There are so many quilt block patterns, each with its own name and design! Some common types of blocks are:
Half-Square Triangles
Half-square triangles block is one of the most popular quilt blocks that you can use to create a lot of patterns. They are very easy to make. Cut two squares of fabric the same size and place them right sides together, sew along one of the sides using a quarter-inch allowance for sewing. Cut the square in half along the center line and then open up by pressing the seam to create two half-square triangles. That’s it!
QUILTING BASICS – Making a perfect Half Square Triangle Block
Flying Geese
Flying Geese block is a very popular one. How to make it? Easy!
Watch the video below to learn how step by step.
Triple Play: 3 Flying Geese Projects with Jenny, Natalie & Misty of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial)
Log Cabin
To make a log cabin block you have to cut pieces of fabric in assorted colors or designs. Sew them together and you will have your own log cabin quilt. Create a square by sewing the strips together so that the darkest or brightest fabric is in the center. Then sew additional strips of fabric around the outside to create a log cabin block. The video tutorial below shows you this with step by step directions.
Log Cabin Quilt from a Jelly Roll!
These are just a few examples of the many quilting techniques that you can use to create beautiful and unique quilts. With practice and experimentation, you can develop your own style and technique, and create a wide variety of patterns and designs.
You can learn more about blocks here: Quilt Blocks
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