Plus You'll Get Immediate Free Access to a Premium Course: The Ultimate Realistic Sugar Flowers ($97 Value) To Keep Forever
This is a step by step premium MasterClass that will teach you how to make the most realistic gumpaste and fondant flowers. With Sarah Lucia Tafur, a contestant of The Food Network's Holiday Baking Championship.
- Lesson 1 - Materials
- Lesson 2 - The Rose (Full Bloom)
- Lesson 3 - The Rose (Half Bloom)
- Lesson 4 - Buds, Calyxes, Leaves
- Lesson 5 - Dusting the flowers
- Lesson 6 - Final Arrangement
Cakes by CreativiU Elite Members
You will ALSO Get a 7 Day Free Trial to CreativiU Elite (ALL of Our Premium MasterClasses) That Will Teach You The Techniques to Constantly Feel Proud of Your Cakes
For $0 today and only $7.95/mo if you decide to keep it after your trial
But That's Not It Yet... You will ALSO Receive Aaron And Kara's Special Client-Retaining Recipes
You might have the best looking cakes in the world (we'll show you how) but if your cakes taste like the pre-made stuff you can get at the Supermarket then your clients (or friends) won't be asking for more. That's why we have also included Aaron and Kara's professional recipes:
- The American Buttercream Recipe That Will Have Clients Coming Back For MORE
- How to Make Chocolate Ganache Without The Unpleasant Flavor
- Kara's Perfectly Balanced Vanilla "Spongey" Cake
- Kara's "Hit-the-nail-in-the-head" Chocolate Cake
- Aaron's Swiss Meringue Buttercream Recipe (That we ended up eating completely while shooting this MasterClass)
You get all of these for free just please fill out the form you will receive that looks something like this

What You Get Today For FREE...
Adjustable Stainless Steel Cake Slicer: $10 Value
MasterClass, The Ultimate Realistic Sugar Flowers: $97 Value
5 Precious Recipes Crafted After Years of Practice: $50
Total Value: $157 +
But you get it for free!
Why would we give it for free? 1. Instead of spending thousands on boring ads we decided to give away thousands worth of tools, knowing you will love our products and refer us to your friends. And 2. So we can receive honest feedback and improve these tools with the manufacturer to build the ultimate tools kit for you.
*Please allow up to 30 days for shipping. Which is why we're able to only ask $4.95 for S&H