I thought it would be really nice to get to know more about other cake decorators and what they like. I wrote to the bloggers in our 100+ list and asked them this question: What do you think is your favorite and the best cake decorating tools? I think it’s interesting getting to know even little details about other cake decorators’ preferences; we can learn so many things from them and also satisfy our curiosity.
I love the receptivity and good vibes I got from these bloggers- always so nice to answer questions and to share their knowledge. It gives us all a sense of community where we know we can always ask for help to learn or solve the doubts we have. Now I’m going to share with you the answers I received so far.
#1 Kim Militello
From “Lovin’ From the Oven”
Facebook: @lovinfromtheovenblog
The best cake decorating tool would definitely be the cookie scooper by Pampered Chef! I use it all the time for making uniform cookies, scooping batter into cupcake liners, and even frosting cupcakes. It’s a versatile tool that takes up little space in the kitchen.
#2 Dorothy Kern
From “Crazy for Crust”
Facebook: @crazyforcrust
Thanks for thinking of me! My favorite tool is a KitchenAid Mixer. It makes the work of mixing and kneading take seconds instead of minutes!
#3 Yolanda Gampp
From “How to Cake it”
Facebook: @HowToCakeItWithYolanda
Yo’s fave tool is most definitely her simple syrup squeeze bottle. Actually, one of our most requested cakes is a Sir Squeeze-A-Lot Cake (the bottle was named in a fan contest…after Sir Mix-A-Lot). It helps to evenly distribute simple syrup to her cake layers; ensuring that they stay moist throughout the decorating process.
#4 Daniella Da Silva
From “Chicky Treats”
Facebook: @chickytreats
My favorite decorating tool is the Wilton 1M star tip. I’ve used it to pipe a classic swirl on cupcakes and buttercream roses on cakes! It’s a great starter piping tip for anyone interested in cake decorating.
#5 Lizzy Early
From “yourcupofcake”
Facebook: @yourcupofcake
Food scoops! They help make cupcakes and cookies all the same size and they are much faster than trying to use spoons!
#6 Erin Gardner
From “Erin Bakes”
Facebook: @erinbakes
Such a great question and so difficult to answer with just one! I’d say my turntable is one thing that I just could not live without. I have an Ateco turntable with a nice heavy base. I think a good turntable is so key when trying to get a cake smooth or when piping on a cake. My favorite small tool is my 12-inch bench scraper from Fat Girl Cakes. It’s got a nice firm, flat blade and a wide wooden handle. I keep those two things on my work table at all times!
#7 Allie
From “Baking a Moment”
Facebook: @bakingamoment
Top tools for decorating? I suppose I’d have to say my pastry/piping bags. They’re super versatile and I reach for them so often.
#8 Katrien van Zyl
From “Katrien’s Cakes”
Instagram: @katrienscakes
My favorite tool is a Dresden tool as one side is flattened and can be used in figurines modeling as well as frilling and thinning flower petals, and the other side can be used to vein leaves and petals.
#9 Amanda Rettke
From “I am baker”
Facebook: @iambaker.net
I could not decorate a cake without a small offset spatula, rotating cake stand, or a bench scraper.
#10 Liz Berg
From “That Skinny Chick Can Bake”
Facebook: @ThatSkinnyChickCanBake
I love my offset spatula. Perfect for spreading batters and cookie dough as well as icing cakes and cupcakes. Low tech and inexpensive!
#11 Elizabeth Kirby
From “Local Milk”
Facebook: @localmilkblog
A digital scale because baking is one part art, one part science and volumetric measurements make for inconsistent baking. And besides, with a scale you use fewer dishes! It’s actually much easier & streamlined than using cups.
#12 Glory Albin
From “Glorious Treats”
Facebook: @glorioustreats
My favorite decorating tool (if I only get to choose one) would be a small off-set spatula. It’s helpful for both cookie decorating and cake decorating and is one of my most used kitchen tools.
#13 Heather Baird
From “Sprinkle Bakes”
Facebook: @sprinklebakes
Currently, my favorite tool is a metal bench scraper. I use it to make flaky pie crusts and to divide bread dough into portions. It’s the best $5 I’ve ever spent!
#14 Betsy
From “The Java Cupcake Blog”
Facebook: @javacupcake
My favorite tool is a sturdy spatula. Not the kind you flip pancakes with, but the silicone kind to scrape sides of bowls and mix with. I have a canister of several different sizes and I use one in almost everything I bake!
#15 Rose Atwater
From “Rose Bakes”
Facebook: @rosebakes
The first thing that popped into my head was the Large Tube Set from Ateco. They’re the only frosting tips I use to decorate cupcakes and I use them every single week!
#16 Britt Whyatt
From “She Who Bakes”
My favorite tool is a cranked palette knife. The angle makes the filling and crumb coating so much easier! I wouldn’t be without it!
#17 Ala
From “Wallflour Girl”
Facebook: @wallflourgirl
My favorite decorating tool is definitely my cookie dough scoop. There’s something indescribably satisfying about scooping out dough and plopping it out in perfect rounded mounds on a prepared cookie sheet!
#18 Joly Díaz
From “Viva La Cake”
Facebook: @vivalacake
I think I have a favorite one for each duty.
For decorating, I love my airbrush. It is absolutely helpful to add color, depth, shimmer, and that gold color on the sequins style cakes.
For modeling, I can’t live without my Dresden tool and the color shapers.
For covering a cake: lazy susan and bench scraper. I m pretty sure I wouldn’t get the same results without these tools
#19 Lise Ode
From “Mom Loves Baking”
My favorite cake decorating tool is a Wilton 1M Pastry Tip. I love the pretty pattern you can pipe onto cakes or cupcakes with a 1M tip. It’s been my go to pastry tip for many, many years.
Mine would have to be a small off-set spatula.